Mission Statement
The Lorenz Family Foundation has been established to support and enhance Christian educational opportunities of all kinds. The value is eternal but applicable for the present for peace and blessing of all sorts. Through Christian education we influence individuals, our community, our society and our future.
Our Vision
Feeding the Lambs of the Lamb of God
To live and act upon what it means in a 21st century world to be “called according to his purpose” and to follow “the will of God” can be both overwhelming and frustrating (Rom 8: 17-34). John (1 John 4:15) says, “If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God.” Paul (Rom 12: 4-5) notes the interdependence of Christians, “Just as each of us has one body and many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body and each member belongs to all the others.” 1st Corinthians 12 suggests that there is no denying it and that the body does not function completely and effectively when we don’t interconnect and utilize Spirit given gifts designed to build up the church. We hurt ourselves and each other and remain immature (Eph 4: 11-16). Unfortunately this New Testament vision of the church is not being worked out in the 21st century.
If a physician were to examine the body and find a lack of eye-hand coordination or a heart murmur being ignored by a rational head, he would see the need for remedial treatment. There needs to be dialog and respect between members of the body. Gifts, from the Spirit, need to be shared. Passions or perceptions from one individual or group need to be applauded, supported and cherished for what they mean for the whole body. Some have a passion for the lost, some for distributing Bibles, some for art music and worship forms. Some focus on prayer, others on faith alone, others on obedience, while others concern themselves with theology and truth. Sensitivities to the handicapped, the poor, the lack of justice and the need for multicultural approaches are not found in every parish or denomination.
The focus of Christ’s last thoughts reflects a concern for teaching. The Great Commission expects disciples to know and grow in their obedience to His commandments. If indeed Peter saw a risen Lord in a new light, it was to be demonstrated by simply feeding His lambs and His sheep. In some small way this Foundation wants to reach out to and support the larger church and in particular the ministry of feeding Christ’s lambs wherever He is honored as God and Lord. This is the vision and hope that directs our efforts.
Through the ages the church has taken its teaching function seriously. More recently in the US the culture has become increasingly at odds with the values of Christianity. In response Christian parents and the church in a number of traditions have turned to schools as a vehicle of choice to make disciples and teach the way of the Good Shepherd, a way of faith and obedience. The Good Shepherd gave his life for the sheep. This Foundation sees the Spirit of God at work in these efforts and therefore seeks to support and encourage Christian schools.
Sharing the Vision
We invite those who share this vision and hope to join us in committing resources to this cause. Donations will be treated as additions to Trust Principal. Donations are tax deductible to the extent of 30% of income in a given year and carryovers may extend for 5 more years. Your attorney or the Foundation attorney can counsel you regarding conveyance of property or establishment of charitable remainder trusts or other estate planning possibilities. The Board of Trustees not only appreciates your support but welcomes your insights as to innovative applications of our resources.
See how you can help feed the lambs of the Lamb of God...
Postal address:
The Lorenz Family Foundation Trust
PO Box 8262
Portland, OR 97207